Hi Family.. I am in the office in Lisboa just waiting to go to the mission home for the night. It was a crazy week of miracles in Olhão and i can´t wait to tell you all about it. I Love you all and i will see you soon.
Just wanted to let you know that i LOVVEE YOU!
Take care :) XOXO
See you on Tuesday.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Vinde a Mim (Come Follow Me)
There is a song that Irmã Tingey and i listened to EVERY SINGLE DAY, 20 times a day that has impacted my life. I don´t have the lyrics perfectly memorized but it goes somewhat like this.. "Today is the day i will open my mouth i will shout from the roof tops, the truth will come out and i swear in my soul that the words that i speak with the love that has made me this way, yes today is the day i proclaim, what i believe... The gospel´s the good new, and life´s everlasting with families that won´t fade away.. I´ll stand as a witness, that love lasts forever, i will not wait one more day to say, today is the day i will open my mouth.." This week i will not rest until every soul in Olhão has heard the gospel. We have a nice sized pool of investigators to teach, but they all have different situations and aren´t quite ready for baptism. They are all progressing in their own way and the Lord has blessed Irmã Valdez and i to help many less active members return to church this transfer.. It´s not that we´ve completely stopped focusing on baptism but there are so many factors to missionary work.
For example, we have been working with Nã and Aline. They have been dating for 5 years.. they are both married.. but not to each other.. Aline´s divorce papers are already being processed and Nã´s situation is a little more complicated, but Saturday night we were at their house and randomly Aline said, Nã and i are going to get married in your church soon and go to the temple.. Irmã Valdez and i couldn´t keep our cool.. We were jumping off the walls. literally! Aline is so excited to get the divorce process over with and marry Nã.. It is adorable..
Something i learned this week.. Everyday during personal study i study the bible. Do you remember me talking about the study that President Fluckiger gave us?? Well, i read John10 and i talks about the lord being the good shepherd. "He calleth his sheep by name... the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."
The verse that stood out to me the most was verse 9. "i am the door of the sheep. by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture." The savior is our door to everlasting happiness. We have been sharing this with our investigators.. All we have to do is show our faith, accept the lord in our EVERYDAY LIFE, and he will give us more than we can imagine. Even as a missionary i am learning to apply this and follow the savior in all that i do. We truly can´t live one day without him. Study this chapter.. It will strengthen your testimony of the Savior!
So a quick update on other things that happened this last week...
Our investigator Adriana fed us squid ovaries yesterday.. It was interesting, chewy and different.. ha ha i though it was like an egg at first and then she explained what is was and i had already eaten like 2 ovaries... ha ha
Last Monday we were supposed to go to Lagos but we only made is to portimão. We visited a couple of beaches and went shopping at a HUGE mall.. The road trip was super fun.. I´ll send you all some pictures.
Thanksgiving.. well, a member in Lagos invited us to her thanksgiving dinner.. She lived in Utah for 11 years and celebrates Thanksgiving better than the Americans(from what i have heard).. For days we tried to figure out how to get there with the transportation because it is so far away.. but the transportation ended up not work out. The Elders in Lagos were trying so hard to help us get a ride over but in the end, members couldn´t drive us and a taxi would have been £100.. We wanted to go so badly.. It wouldn´t have been really cook, however we ate a deli sandwich for thanksgiving dinner on a bench outside.. ha ha It was delicious.
The mission is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I know that my redeemer lives, I know this is his gospel and only through him can we over come our trials, we can become better people and through him we will return to our loving heavenly Father. I hope you have a great week! XOXO
Com muito amor,
Irmã Boshard
For example, we have been working with Nã and Aline. They have been dating for 5 years.. they are both married.. but not to each other.. Aline´s divorce papers are already being processed and Nã´s situation is a little more complicated, but Saturday night we were at their house and randomly Aline said, Nã and i are going to get married in your church soon and go to the temple.. Irmã Valdez and i couldn´t keep our cool.. We were jumping off the walls. literally! Aline is so excited to get the divorce process over with and marry Nã.. It is adorable..
Something i learned this week.. Everyday during personal study i study the bible. Do you remember me talking about the study that President Fluckiger gave us?? Well, i read John10 and i talks about the lord being the good shepherd. "He calleth his sheep by name... the sheep follow him, for they know his voice."
The verse that stood out to me the most was verse 9. "i am the door of the sheep. by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved and shall go in and out, and find pasture." The savior is our door to everlasting happiness. We have been sharing this with our investigators.. All we have to do is show our faith, accept the lord in our EVERYDAY LIFE, and he will give us more than we can imagine. Even as a missionary i am learning to apply this and follow the savior in all that i do. We truly can´t live one day without him. Study this chapter.. It will strengthen your testimony of the Savior!
So a quick update on other things that happened this last week...
Our investigator Adriana fed us squid ovaries yesterday.. It was interesting, chewy and different.. ha ha i though it was like an egg at first and then she explained what is was and i had already eaten like 2 ovaries... ha ha
Last Monday we were supposed to go to Lagos but we only made is to portimão. We visited a couple of beaches and went shopping at a HUGE mall.. The road trip was super fun.. I´ll send you all some pictures.
Thanksgiving.. well, a member in Lagos invited us to her thanksgiving dinner.. She lived in Utah for 11 years and celebrates Thanksgiving better than the Americans(from what i have heard).. For days we tried to figure out how to get there with the transportation because it is so far away.. but the transportation ended up not work out. The Elders in Lagos were trying so hard to help us get a ride over but in the end, members couldn´t drive us and a taxi would have been £100.. We wanted to go so badly.. It wouldn´t have been really cook, however we ate a deli sandwich for thanksgiving dinner on a bench outside.. ha ha It was delicious.
The mission is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I know that my redeemer lives, I know this is his gospel and only through him can we over come our trials, we can become better people and through him we will return to our loving heavenly Father. I hope you have a great week! XOXO
Com muito amor,
Irmã Boshard
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday November 19, 2012
Hey!!! I can´t write you all back right now and it is possible that i won´t be able to write you until next Monday because WE ARE GOING TO LAGOS FOR PDAY!!!!! president Fluckiger gave us permission to leave our area with our district and a member to visit the Algarve.. I love you all and i hope you are well. Thanks for the emails.. I am happy, healthy and loving the work.. this week i had an interview with President Fluckiger and i love that man with all my heart. I love sister Fluckiger too. President and i just cried together as we talked about the progress and miracles we´ve seen in Olhão. Pray for him.. He is working super hard out here!
Love you all. Take care. XOXO Beijos. Com amor, Irmã Boshard
Hey!!! I can´t write you all back right now and it is possible that i won´t be able to write you until next Monday because WE ARE GOING TO LAGOS FOR PDAY!!!!! president Fluckiger gave us permission to leave our area with our district and a member to visit the Algarve.. I love you all and i hope you are well. Thanks for the emails.. I am happy, healthy and loving the work.. this week i had an interview with President Fluckiger and i love that man with all my heart. I love sister Fluckiger too. President and i just cried together as we talked about the progress and miracles we´ve seen in Olhão. Pray for him.. He is working super hard out here!
Love you all. Take care. XOXO Beijos. Com amor, Irmã Boshard
Monday, November 12, 2012
Happy Holidays you studly family! I hope you are well and happy. I sure am in Olhão. Irmã Valdez and i have been working so hard to find those the lord has prepared for us to accept baptism and well.. the work hasn´t been the same as to what i have been use to my whole mission, but Irmã Valdez and i have had the opportunity to teach many less actives recently and it is going really well. We now just have to get them to come back to church. ha ha They love us and accept our lessons but getting them back to church is the hard part. Right now we are teaching Nã and Aline. They are dating and living together.. Nã is a member and Aline has accepted to take the discussions. She has accepted baptism and once we get somethings resolved she can be baptized in a few months! Hopefully sooner.. but we have to wait and see. She is so wonderful and someone the lord has prepared for years.. and now it´s her turn to finally dive in!!!! we love it!
There is a topic i have been studying and thinking about this week that came from a phone that i received. Irmã Walker (my comp from the MTC) called me and gave me a scripture to read that really made a difference in her life. Well, It has now made a huge difference in my life.
Luke 9:62 "and Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
okay.. strong words right?? yeah, that´s what i thought. But the more i thought about it, this life.. the one we are living right now is about progression. So i realized i wasn´t perfect out here in the mission field.. it was news to me.. ha ha anyway, we all make mistakes in life. We take the wrong trun, we do things we regret, we say things we didn´t meant to say.. Well, Christ suffered for all of this. That is why we have been so blessed with the atonement. We can repent of all that we have done wrong and he will forgive us.. but that means we have to forgive ourselves as well. We cann´t look back a dwell on something that we have already be forgiven for. Like it says in the scripture above, we are not fit for the kingdom of god if we continually look back. We need to be okay with the past, learn from it, love it and live for it. Because if we didn´t pass through the challenges and hardships, we couldn´t progress and become stronger. My goal for all of you is to forgive yourselves of whatever it is that is bothering you from the past, chat it out with Heavenly Father and move on. Don´t be Lot´s wife that diminishes into dust because you lust for somethig that is already gone and won´t come back..
Psalms 147:3 "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
That is exactly what the Lord will do for each and everyone of you. We´re not perfect and we will continually apply this teaching in our lives, but I feel EXTREMELY blessed to have this knowledge and know that our savior "knows how to succor his people according to their infirmities." alma 7:12 I´m not looking back.. only forward. I´m taking everything i have learned for the last 23 years and i am literally running with it.
Have a great week my loved ones!
Love you XOXO
Com muito amor,
Irmã Boshard
There is a topic i have been studying and thinking about this week that came from a phone that i received. Irmã Walker (my comp from the MTC) called me and gave me a scripture to read that really made a difference in her life. Well, It has now made a huge difference in my life.
Luke 9:62 "and Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."
okay.. strong words right?? yeah, that´s what i thought. But the more i thought about it, this life.. the one we are living right now is about progression. So i realized i wasn´t perfect out here in the mission field.. it was news to me.. ha ha anyway, we all make mistakes in life. We take the wrong trun, we do things we regret, we say things we didn´t meant to say.. Well, Christ suffered for all of this. That is why we have been so blessed with the atonement. We can repent of all that we have done wrong and he will forgive us.. but that means we have to forgive ourselves as well. We cann´t look back a dwell on something that we have already be forgiven for. Like it says in the scripture above, we are not fit for the kingdom of god if we continually look back. We need to be okay with the past, learn from it, love it and live for it. Because if we didn´t pass through the challenges and hardships, we couldn´t progress and become stronger. My goal for all of you is to forgive yourselves of whatever it is that is bothering you from the past, chat it out with Heavenly Father and move on. Don´t be Lot´s wife that diminishes into dust because you lust for somethig that is already gone and won´t come back..
Psalms 147:3 "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds."
That is exactly what the Lord will do for each and everyone of you. We´re not perfect and we will continually apply this teaching in our lives, but I feel EXTREMELY blessed to have this knowledge and know that our savior "knows how to succor his people according to their infirmities." alma 7:12 I´m not looking back.. only forward. I´m taking everything i have learned for the last 23 years and i am literally running with it.
Have a great week my loved ones!
Love you XOXO
Com muito amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, November 5, 2012
It´s raining... raining rain.. wholy moly
We´ve hit the rainy season down here in the Algarve, and OH MY does it pour when it pouuurrrrrs.. The streets have been filled with rain, it´s hard to walk anywhere without getting completely drenched. the best part is the dirty water that splashes up from the cars.. yes.. just like the movies we are getting hit with water from the gutter. It is lovely.
The work is coming along really well. We are seeing a lots of success with the less actives and their families.
Irmã Valdez is soo sharp.. It is as if she has been in the mission for 18 months and is ready to go home. She is killing it out here. She is so ready to just work. work work work..
funny story.. We were teaching an investigator this week and he was asking us if we had boyfriends back at home waiting for us and we laughed and replied, no. He said, oh that's right, Jesus is your boyfriend. ha ha oh i love the Portuguese.
I hope you all have a great week. Continue serving one another and even when no one is looking.. Do what is right.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
p.s. the pics above.. 2 of them are from Zone conference in Faro. One with the whole zone and of course one with the irmãs.
the other pic is octopus!!! One of our investigators fed us lunch this last week and i was super hesitant at first but it was actually delicious. I love octopus. mmmmmm
We´ve hit the rainy season down here in the Algarve, and OH MY does it pour when it pouuurrrrrs.. The streets have been filled with rain, it´s hard to walk anywhere without getting completely drenched. the best part is the dirty water that splashes up from the cars.. yes.. just like the movies we are getting hit with water from the gutter. It is lovely.
The work is coming along really well. We are seeing a lots of success with the less actives and their families.
Irmã Valdez is soo sharp.. It is as if she has been in the mission for 18 months and is ready to go home. She is killing it out here. She is so ready to just work. work work work..
funny story.. We were teaching an investigator this week and he was asking us if we had boyfriends back at home waiting for us and we laughed and replied, no. He said, oh that's right, Jesus is your boyfriend. ha ha oh i love the Portuguese.
I hope you all have a great week. Continue serving one another and even when no one is looking.. Do what is right.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
p.s. the pics above.. 2 of them are from Zone conference in Faro. One with the whole zone and of course one with the irmãs.
the other pic is octopus!!! One of our investigators fed us lunch this last week and i was super hesitant at first but it was actually delicious. I love octopus. mmmmmm
Monday, October 29, 2012
President & Irma Fluckiger.. Love them XOXO
Welcome Irma Valdez
Really...Me too !!
WE ARE GOING NUT'S! Rain, rain and oh another day of rain...hee hee Irma Tingey & Boshard
Car Pool of Beautiful Sisters..... I want to be a missionary now !
Irma Baershardton Love ~ Boshard, Walton & Baer - the best of the best of the best - add Wilde too ! OOOH so many great Irma's - 18 months.....to Eternity !
President & Irma Fluckiger.. Love them XOXO
Really...Me too !!
WE ARE GOING NUT'S! Rain, rain and oh another day of rain...hee hee Irma Tingey & Boshard
Car Pool of Beautiful Sisters..... I want to be a missionary now !
Irma Baershardton Love ~ Boshard, Walton & Baer - the best of the best of the best - add Wilde too ! OOOH so many great Irma's - 18 months.....to Eternity !
WHAT A WEEK!!! Last week, sunday night Irmã Tingey and i recieved a phone call from the office saying that she needed to pack her bags and head up to Braga the next morning, and i was going to be training and needed to stay with the irmãs in Odivelas.. So for the millionth time i went to Odivelas.. I am so blessed to have returned there so many times during my mission.. I got to visit with my recent converts.. Fatima, Isidoro, Avelino, Lourindo.. I got to visit some members too! I don´t know why the lord blesses me with so many tender mercies.. It was so great to see how strong they are in the gospel. Fatima is a counselor in the primary presidency and she is preparing to receive her patriarchal blessing!!!!! The men all have the aaronic priesthood, wear white shirts to church every sunday and they are doing their best to prepare to go to the temple!!!
I was in a tripla with Irmã Baer and Irmã Walton for about 4 days!! All three of us were training so we just worked together in Odivelas until Thursday when we met our new companions.. those girls are incredible. Irmã Walton has blossomed since i first served with her about 8 or 9 months ago.. Irmã Baer is still just a stellar Irmã...
My new companion is Irmã Valdez, she is 24 years old, She is from Texas.. she speaks Spanish fluently and basically speaks Portuguese fluently.. she picked up the language quickly in the MTC.. Irmã Valdez is a blessed soul. She is hilarious and outgoing.. i love it.. she is already contacting people. I love her!
We didn´t get to work much here in Olhão because we arrived her late late late Thursday night.. But the work we did, payed off! We have been working with less actives recently and well.. the men we have been working with came to church.. One of them even brought 3 FRIENDS! It was wonderful.. We have an appointment to teach them this week. Their names are Fatima, Bruna and Paula.. Pray for them :)
I´ve gotta run.. I love you all i hope you are all doing well. Keep reading the general conference talks.. They are so uplifting and just what we need right now! The work is growing.. I am just blown away at how many applicants are ready to serve missions.. 4000... that is HUGE!!!
Okay.. really i have to run.. Love you love you love you... XOXO
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
I was in a tripla with Irmã Baer and Irmã Walton for about 4 days!! All three of us were training so we just worked together in Odivelas until Thursday when we met our new companions.. those girls are incredible. Irmã Walton has blossomed since i first served with her about 8 or 9 months ago.. Irmã Baer is still just a stellar Irmã...
My new companion is Irmã Valdez, she is 24 years old, She is from Texas.. she speaks Spanish fluently and basically speaks Portuguese fluently.. she picked up the language quickly in the MTC.. Irmã Valdez is a blessed soul. She is hilarious and outgoing.. i love it.. she is already contacting people. I love her!
We didn´t get to work much here in Olhão because we arrived her late late late Thursday night.. But the work we did, payed off! We have been working with less actives recently and well.. the men we have been working with came to church.. One of them even brought 3 FRIENDS! It was wonderful.. We have an appointment to teach them this week. Their names are Fatima, Bruna and Paula.. Pray for them :)
I´ve gotta run.. I love you all i hope you are all doing well. Keep reading the general conference talks.. They are so uplifting and just what we need right now! The work is growing.. I am just blown away at how many applicants are ready to serve missions.. 4000... that is HUGE!!!
Okay.. really i have to run.. Love you love you love you... XOXO
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Monday October 22, 2012 - OLHAO PORTUGAL
Whoa.. today is TRANSFER DAY.. These days come way too fast. I am going to be staying in Olhão, Irmã Tingey is going to Braga wayyyy up north... and whelp.. I am training my 6th little missionary. I am excited. I need some greenie fire.. I know the lord is going to push me. I´ve gotta start this transfer running.. I know you all pray for me, but maybe add just one more pray in there would ya? ha ha
My brain feels a little blocked right now and i am not quite sure how to express all the tender mercies from the lord. Irmã Tingey and had a great transfer. We were tested and brought to our knees many times throughout the days. I have no doubts though that the work we did, did not go unnoticed.
One night Irmã Tingey and i were walking the streets of Olhão and we thought of one of our investigators Adriana.. We thought, hey let´s go pass by and invite her to church tomorrow.. We knocked on her door and when she opened the door, she had been crying. She had been so overwhelmed and stressed that she broke down and knew that we were an answer to her prayers. Her son has schizophrenia (i think). He is 37 years old and acts as if he is 5 or 6.. She takes care of him all day long and it is emotional draining.. but on top of her stress the night before she had found out that her daughter betrayed her and has been lying to her for months. Tingey and i were able to read some scriptures with her and help her feel full of love and peace. She thanked us for being such wonderful people in the world. She said i don´t connect with many people in the world because they are so worldly and not the kind of friends that i need in my life..
It is amazing a simple whisper from the spirit made a huge difference in Adriana´s night..
Summer has finally ended in the algarve and the rain is hitting us hard.. My water jacket that should be waterproof... is definitely not waterproof.. ha ha ha ha The rain storms makes talking to people in the street a little harder and we´ve gotta whip out the hard knuckles and start knocking.. but because of this Tingey and i found a miracle.. I saw an apartment building.. I looked to Tingey and said, let´s go there.. We went and started knocking on the 8th floor. no one answered. So we rang the 7th floor and a kind man answered and i said we would like to come up and offer a prayer to bless their home and said yes.. come up. WE went up and entered the home to see his sick wife lying on the sofa.. She recently had surgery on her eye and everything went wrong and she is close to being blind. We said if you listen to our message and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ in your home, She will be healed. The husband cried and was so excited for us to say a prayer with them. They invited us to come back at a more convenient hour.. so we returned a few days later and explained the power of the book of Mormon.. left them with a book and they said they´ll read it. I LOVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. It is amazing how it influences our thoughts and feelings.. do not doubt those small promptings.. they lead to great and marvelous blessings!
I love you all.. I hope your daily scripture study is going well.. Have a great week :)
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Whoa.. today is TRANSFER DAY.. These days come way too fast. I am going to be staying in Olhão, Irmã Tingey is going to Braga wayyyy up north... and whelp.. I am training my 6th little missionary. I am excited. I need some greenie fire.. I know the lord is going to push me. I´ve gotta start this transfer running.. I know you all pray for me, but maybe add just one more pray in there would ya? ha ha
My brain feels a little blocked right now and i am not quite sure how to express all the tender mercies from the lord. Irmã Tingey and had a great transfer. We were tested and brought to our knees many times throughout the days. I have no doubts though that the work we did, did not go unnoticed.
One night Irmã Tingey and i were walking the streets of Olhão and we thought of one of our investigators Adriana.. We thought, hey let´s go pass by and invite her to church tomorrow.. We knocked on her door and when she opened the door, she had been crying. She had been so overwhelmed and stressed that she broke down and knew that we were an answer to her prayers. Her son has schizophrenia (i think). He is 37 years old and acts as if he is 5 or 6.. She takes care of him all day long and it is emotional draining.. but on top of her stress the night before she had found out that her daughter betrayed her and has been lying to her for months. Tingey and i were able to read some scriptures with her and help her feel full of love and peace. She thanked us for being such wonderful people in the world. She said i don´t connect with many people in the world because they are so worldly and not the kind of friends that i need in my life..
It is amazing a simple whisper from the spirit made a huge difference in Adriana´s night..
Summer has finally ended in the algarve and the rain is hitting us hard.. My water jacket that should be waterproof... is definitely not waterproof.. ha ha ha ha The rain storms makes talking to people in the street a little harder and we´ve gotta whip out the hard knuckles and start knocking.. but because of this Tingey and i found a miracle.. I saw an apartment building.. I looked to Tingey and said, let´s go there.. We went and started knocking on the 8th floor. no one answered. So we rang the 7th floor and a kind man answered and i said we would like to come up and offer a prayer to bless their home and said yes.. come up. WE went up and entered the home to see his sick wife lying on the sofa.. She recently had surgery on her eye and everything went wrong and she is close to being blind. We said if you listen to our message and accept the gospel of Jesus Christ in your home, She will be healed. The husband cried and was so excited for us to say a prayer with them. They invited us to come back at a more convenient hour.. so we returned a few days later and explained the power of the book of Mormon.. left them with a book and they said they´ll read it. I LOVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. It is amazing how it influences our thoughts and feelings.. do not doubt those small promptings.. they lead to great and marvelous blessings!
I love you all.. I hope your daily scripture study is going well.. Have a great week :)
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, October 15, 2012
We are Pollinating the World
WE ARE POLLINATING THE WORLD!!! That was such a good talk from President Uchtdorf, was it not?! It is so true and little by little all our efforts count and that is something that i am continually learning here in the battlefield.. there is no room to loose hope, we´ve gotta fight it out and do it with a gladful heart. The only reason i made it through this last week was because President Fluckiger has given a study sheet for the next 3 months. We are studying the ministry of Christ and all the miracles he made.. It´s going great! I am learning how i can better my teaching and how i can be an example by truly serving the lord with all my might, mind and strength.
A few days ago i studied Luke 5. It is the story of Simon fishing and he wasn´t finding fish ya know?? Well, Christ was taking a stroll past Simon and could see that he was struggling. Christ said, let down your net. Simon replied, Lord i have been here all night. We´ve found nothing.. But i´ll try one more time. After he let his net down the multitude of the fish was too great that the nets were breaking, then the ships began to sink so they called over all their friends to help them out.. Simon kneeled before the Savior and said, Depart from me. I am a sinner. I can relate this story to my mission. At times i have a lack of faith.. The lord tells me to call someone, or go visit someone and i say.. Lord.. Do you know how many times i have tried and i have been rejected and that person wants nothing to do with us?? yet, he gently tells me.. Irmã Boshard.. go visits so and so.. So i do and we end up having the best lesson and it was just want i need to get my feet back on the ground.. But i still cry and feel so guilty for having a lack of faith and complaining to the lord.. i Truly know that he loves us and if just forget ourselves and do what he says he will bless us beyond our imagination.. All of you can relate this story to your life too.. I hope you know that he is aware of EVERYTHING. there isn´t one thing that he doesn´t know.. He is fully aware that his return to earth is near and that is why he has called a younger generation to get out here and serve.. Don´t deny the thoughts and feelings that he puts in your minds.. He knows you better than yourself and all you need to do is act.. There is no more time to wait.. Heavenly Father needs us to Pollinate the WORLD.. That means, Visiting teaching, Home Teaching, a simple phone call.. or a contact with a friend about the gospel.. We´re doing it together!!!!!
Alright, Last week was a huge blow for me.. Do you remember me telling you about our friend Paulo who we met through a window and marked him for baptism??? Well, He should have been baptized yesterday but it didn´t happen.. We taught him on Thursday about the 10 commandments and finalized everything to prepare him for his baptismal interview.. Friday we scheduled the interview, The elders came to our area to meet with Paulo and he wasn´t home.. He doesn´t have a cell phone either.. and we waited for a good hour and a half.. Saturday came around and we passed by Paulo´s house again, but no one seems to know where he is or what he is up to. Sunday morning arrived and we went to go pick him up for church.. yet he still is home.. The strong winds of the enemy have been blowing my way and i have felt so defeated.. WHY!!!!!! Paulo was trying so hard to give up drugs, smoking and drinking for a better life. Why did Satan have to get him?!! UGH.. it is so frustrating.. Saturday afternoon all our plans fell through and we thought we would start knocking doors.. Every door was rejection. At one door we were testifying to an evangelical family and i started bawling like a baby, pleading for them to just pray to know that our message is true and.. wham.. the door shuts. We finally made it to one door and a sweet lady opened her door and asked us to come back next Saturday.. All i needed was for one person to hear the lords voice and it made me feel so much better.. I know the announcement of 18 year old elders and 19 year old sisters is proof that we are preparing for the return of our savior.. it is close.. and it is time to scream.. gently.. but loudly..
We have to press forward and endure the challenges and trials of our faith.. We already know that Lord will win in the end.. There is no sense in wasting time playing both sides of the field.. Stay on the lords side and don´t move..
Love You XOXO
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
A few days ago i studied Luke 5. It is the story of Simon fishing and he wasn´t finding fish ya know?? Well, Christ was taking a stroll past Simon and could see that he was struggling. Christ said, let down your net. Simon replied, Lord i have been here all night. We´ve found nothing.. But i´ll try one more time. After he let his net down the multitude of the fish was too great that the nets were breaking, then the ships began to sink so they called over all their friends to help them out.. Simon kneeled before the Savior and said, Depart from me. I am a sinner. I can relate this story to my mission. At times i have a lack of faith.. The lord tells me to call someone, or go visit someone and i say.. Lord.. Do you know how many times i have tried and i have been rejected and that person wants nothing to do with us?? yet, he gently tells me.. Irmã Boshard.. go visits so and so.. So i do and we end up having the best lesson and it was just want i need to get my feet back on the ground.. But i still cry and feel so guilty for having a lack of faith and complaining to the lord.. i Truly know that he loves us and if just forget ourselves and do what he says he will bless us beyond our imagination.. All of you can relate this story to your life too.. I hope you know that he is aware of EVERYTHING. there isn´t one thing that he doesn´t know.. He is fully aware that his return to earth is near and that is why he has called a younger generation to get out here and serve.. Don´t deny the thoughts and feelings that he puts in your minds.. He knows you better than yourself and all you need to do is act.. There is no more time to wait.. Heavenly Father needs us to Pollinate the WORLD.. That means, Visiting teaching, Home Teaching, a simple phone call.. or a contact with a friend about the gospel.. We´re doing it together!!!!!
Alright, Last week was a huge blow for me.. Do you remember me telling you about our friend Paulo who we met through a window and marked him for baptism??? Well, He should have been baptized yesterday but it didn´t happen.. We taught him on Thursday about the 10 commandments and finalized everything to prepare him for his baptismal interview.. Friday we scheduled the interview, The elders came to our area to meet with Paulo and he wasn´t home.. He doesn´t have a cell phone either.. and we waited for a good hour and a half.. Saturday came around and we passed by Paulo´s house again, but no one seems to know where he is or what he is up to. Sunday morning arrived and we went to go pick him up for church.. yet he still is home.. The strong winds of the enemy have been blowing my way and i have felt so defeated.. WHY!!!!!! Paulo was trying so hard to give up drugs, smoking and drinking for a better life. Why did Satan have to get him?!! UGH.. it is so frustrating.. Saturday afternoon all our plans fell through and we thought we would start knocking doors.. Every door was rejection. At one door we were testifying to an evangelical family and i started bawling like a baby, pleading for them to just pray to know that our message is true and.. wham.. the door shuts. We finally made it to one door and a sweet lady opened her door and asked us to come back next Saturday.. All i needed was for one person to hear the lords voice and it made me feel so much better.. I know the announcement of 18 year old elders and 19 year old sisters is proof that we are preparing for the return of our savior.. it is close.. and it is time to scream.. gently.. but loudly..
We have to press forward and endure the challenges and trials of our faith.. We already know that Lord will win in the end.. There is no sense in wasting time playing both sides of the field.. Stay on the lords side and don´t move..
Love You XOXO
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, October 8, 2012
Pictures - Olhao Portugal October 2012
Fish Market - Youth Activity - Treats Chocolate Divine and Ice Cream with Irma Tingey ~ Sept/Oct 2012 Olhao, Portugal
8 October 2012 ~ Olhao Portugal
WHAT A WEEKEND!!!! Conference was another testimony that the second coming is here... Can you believe they lowered the age for missionaries to come out here and enter the field.. Irmã Tingey and i were SHOCKED. Our mouths hung open all weekend! It is a call for the most powerful young men and young women in the world to walk the streets and testify of a restored gospel and a living Christ. I have no doubts that the lord needs more mouths and testimonies to spread righteousness throughout all the wickedness in the world.. Ahh i am so excited to see the missionary work load sky rocket. We are truly preparing our brothers and sisters to stand at the judgement bar with god and our savior.. As missionaries we are the tools in the lords hands to prepare the world to accept this divine message. Ohhhh yeeaaahh. I feel so blessed to still be here and have SO much time left in my mission.
On Tuesday this week Irmã Tingey and i received the most special miracle this transfer.. We were walking through an apartment complex and normally everyone has their windows open during the day and sometimes men yell things at us, and we basically ignore them and continue walking.. Well.. We heard someone call our attention and I looked back, said hello and continued walking.. The man said some thing again and we ignored it.. But then we heard, "MORMONS!" Irmã Tingey and i laughed and turned around to talk to this guy.. He was poking his head out his kitchen window and we said what´s your name? He said Paulo.. We made small talk and he told us that his life is a mess and a disgrace to the world. He said he has a burden in is life that he would like to get rid of.. What a better way to relive that burden than through baptism.. so we talked about the blessings from baptism.. Paulo said, i would adore to be baptized.. I need this in my life.. He said i am a slave to drugs.. I need to make changes in my circumstances.. So we said, alright, lets say a prayer right now and ask Heavenly Father when it is that you should be baptized.. We all prayed and agreed that on the 14th of October he would enter the waters of baptism.. Paulo was so happy.. Everyday since Tuesday we have met with Paulo to teach him the atonement of Christ and the commandments that will bring him more happiness than he has ever felt! He is changing everyday and he is getting so excited for his baptism.. I LOVE IT! He went to priesthood session with the men in our branch and he said it was great.. He is receiving the direction he needs. The lord is preparing the hearts of men everywhere.. At zone conference this week we were taught to teach the gospel in the most inconvenient opportunities.. Sometimes it has gone well, and others people just need to soften their hearts, but we´ll leave that to the lord.. I love the lord, and if he were to ask me they way he asked paul if i loved him.. I would respond with a dignified yes. I love him. He is our savior and Redeemer of the world. We are all doing his work and preparing to live him for eternity. XOXO
Take care. Beijos.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
p.s. Sister Fluckiger showed me an awesome youtube video that a member made here in Portugal.. It is called "Blessings of the Temple" It is 4 min and has a lot of good shots of Portugal.. Look for it.. She wants all of you to see it! The member is a tennis coach who helps youth here and don´t worry it is in english.
p.p.s Thank you to the primary in our ward who sent me all the pictures and letters! I Loved them.. Thank you so so much.. You´re all future missionaries :)
On Tuesday this week Irmã Tingey and i received the most special miracle this transfer.. We were walking through an apartment complex and normally everyone has their windows open during the day and sometimes men yell things at us, and we basically ignore them and continue walking.. Well.. We heard someone call our attention and I looked back, said hello and continued walking.. The man said some thing again and we ignored it.. But then we heard, "MORMONS!" Irmã Tingey and i laughed and turned around to talk to this guy.. He was poking his head out his kitchen window and we said what´s your name? He said Paulo.. We made small talk and he told us that his life is a mess and a disgrace to the world. He said he has a burden in is life that he would like to get rid of.. What a better way to relive that burden than through baptism.. so we talked about the blessings from baptism.. Paulo said, i would adore to be baptized.. I need this in my life.. He said i am a slave to drugs.. I need to make changes in my circumstances.. So we said, alright, lets say a prayer right now and ask Heavenly Father when it is that you should be baptized.. We all prayed and agreed that on the 14th of October he would enter the waters of baptism.. Paulo was so happy.. Everyday since Tuesday we have met with Paulo to teach him the atonement of Christ and the commandments that will bring him more happiness than he has ever felt! He is changing everyday and he is getting so excited for his baptism.. I LOVE IT! He went to priesthood session with the men in our branch and he said it was great.. He is receiving the direction he needs. The lord is preparing the hearts of men everywhere.. At zone conference this week we were taught to teach the gospel in the most inconvenient opportunities.. Sometimes it has gone well, and others people just need to soften their hearts, but we´ll leave that to the lord.. I love the lord, and if he were to ask me they way he asked paul if i loved him.. I would respond with a dignified yes. I love him. He is our savior and Redeemer of the world. We are all doing his work and preparing to live him for eternity. XOXO
Take care. Beijos.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
p.s. Sister Fluckiger showed me an awesome youtube video that a member made here in Portugal.. It is called "Blessings of the Temple" It is 4 min and has a lot of good shots of Portugal.. Look for it.. She wants all of you to see it! The member is a tennis coach who helps youth here and don´t worry it is in english.
p.p.s Thank you to the primary in our ward who sent me all the pictures and letters! I Loved them.. Thank you so so much.. You´re all future missionaries :)
Monday, October 1, 2012
I have to start this email off by saying that i know Heavenly Father makes miracles happen. Irmã Tingey and i have been running low on the money side and we haven´t had as much food in our house. We´ve still had enough to survive, but we are learning to be humble little eaters.. Anyway, we had just a little bit of rice in our house and decided to eat it for lunch the other day because that was literally all we had.. We stuck the rice and water in the pan, put the lid on top and whaalaaa.. when we took of the lid, there was more rice in the pan than we originally poured in there.. I can say that only that miracle would come from a loving heavenly father who knows his servants in a little town wayyyy down south in Portugal. I´ll never stop being humbled by the Lord.
Last week i studied the talk "We Are All Enlisted" by Elder Holland. Ya know i have once or twice read this talk but last week my spiritual eyes were opened and It meant so much more to me.. Elder Holland started his talk by stating that we sometimes over look the experience that Joseph Smith had right before the first vision. Satan was trying to destroy a young boy and block the revelation that was to come. The power of Satan is very real. He is definitely against the love of the lord and atonement of Christ.
One thing we have learned about Satan as well, is that he knows in the end he is going to lose. He knows he will be defeated and yet his determined to take down as many souls as he can with him.
This quote chilled my bones.. "..Satan cannot directly take a life... But apparently his efforts to stop the work will be reasonably well served id he can just bind the tongues of the faithful.. speak up. We are at war." Okay.. so as a missionary, there is always so much more than i can do and when i read this talk. I got the hint.. I need to step it up and open my mouth more frequently wherever i am.. the store, a members house.. on the street.. Satan will never win.. But as for you.. there are so many ways to pass out cards, or the strength for youth, a proclamation to the family.. Do not back down or be ashamed. Are you willing to stand alone?? Are you willing to stand before god at judgment and tell him that you did everything possible during your short, ever so short time here on earth?? We need to open our mouths and speak miracles like Elder Holland has said. "Unbind your tongues and watch your words work wonders in the lives of those who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it" D&C 132:12
The book of mormon is your compass. It is your guide and it will help you to avoid the traps of the enemy.. Read it. Memorize scriptures, learn of its worth.. I´m not perfect and i don´t know everything that is in it, but i know it is true. I know god speaks to us through scripture and his power is strong than the enemies.
The mission is the hardest thing i have ever done. I am strengthened and challenged everyday but i love it! It´s easier to change when you are not doing your will, but the lords will. I am so grateful Heavenly Father trusts me to teach his children. He has entrusted me to wear this name tag and represent him everyday, every hour and every second i am in public.. Yeah, talk about responsibility. Irmã Tingey and i have been counting down the days until general conference and we are freaking out!! We lack 5 days.. 5 days until we hear the words of a prophet and the apostles.. eeekk.. I hope you are all spiritually preparing to get the answers you need. I love you.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, September 24, 2012
by small and simple things, great things come to pass
My sweet little ones :) I love you. If i don´t say enough i am sorry.. I LOVE YOU. Mom, I got your puzzle letter and boomer and hannahs letters. Thank you so much. There is nothing like going to the mail box and getting a letter. It made me so happy. Boom and Hannah.. You are in high school together.. Umm i feel like i was just in high school with Drew, if feels like it was just yesterday. Be good. Make good choices and BE AN EXAMPLE! There are so many paths to walk, so many temptations and i want you to know that the Lord trusts you two to be good examples to your friends and schoolmates. If you are wondering what kind of example you need to be.. go read the strength of youth.. I love you and care about you and your future.
Our second week in Olhão was awesome but getting progressing investigators was a wee bit difficult. We´re not making too much progress with baptisms however, we are really getting to know the members and recent converts and we are working through them to get references. Yesterday Irmã Tingey and i went to a members house- Paulo Matos.. He is a DJ here in the Algarve and he is pretty cool. He knows people and he´s got friends.. so we told him we want to teach his friends and last night we made a list of his friends, prayed about the names together and after the prayer we all felt one specific name and knew that we needed to work with her this week. Paulo was on a high.. He felt so good after the prayer and said this is what you do all day? We said, yep! and we do it for hours!! He was like jumping.. calling his friends and seriously on cloud 9. I love the revelation we receive and we get to show members how the work goes.. We´re making a difference here little by little and the little efforts i know do not go unnoticed.
One of the youth in our branch, Isabela gave us a reference of her friend, Emma who wants to hear the missionary discussions.. Tingey and i were STOKED.. We prepared for the lesson and went to the appointment and Emma wasn´t there. She couldn´t make it. We were so bummed. She didn´t make it to Church either until the end of sacrament meeting.. but we marked with her again this week and PRAY FOR HER. Pray for Emma. Pray for Isabela too. She wants to fill up the chapel with youth and she is gonna help us do it.
This morning i was studying the talk, forget me not by President Uchtdorf i was comparing a lot of this talk to my mission. I am on this incredible journey.. searching for those to accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.. along the way we find the elect, we get rejection, we´re happy, we´re sad, we´re exhausted, we have random bursts of energy.. along this path i seem to find myself frustrated because we don´t see the success that should be our end result.. baptism.. I ready this quote from the talk and it says, "God is fully aware that you and i are not perfect." "our journey toward perfection is long, but we can find wonder and delight in even the tinest steps in that journey." President Uchtdorf talked about the story of the golden ticket.. There are so many of us waiting for our golden ticket.. That perfect life.. or which we think is perfect and holds the keys to happiness and what we have always dreamed of.. There is nothing wrong with righteous desires but the problem is that when we put our happiness on hold as we wait for future events.
So i have realized that we´ve gotta step it up.. we´ve gotta stop worrying about next week. What are we going to do TODAY that will change tomorrow? What did you learn from yesterday that is going to help you today, and to prepare for tomorrow?? I´ve gotta do this and fam.. you should do it with me. We´ll recognize the small and sweet little forget me nots along the way.
I can see the difference we are making with the members.They trust us and want us to teach their friends. I LOVE IT. I have never had this in my mission before. the members here are dedicated and so willing to work with us. We can feel your prayers. I am eternally grateful for you. I know the lord is preparing the way for the the return of our savior.
Stay strong, fight the good fight this week and take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Our second week in Olhão was awesome but getting progressing investigators was a wee bit difficult. We´re not making too much progress with baptisms however, we are really getting to know the members and recent converts and we are working through them to get references. Yesterday Irmã Tingey and i went to a members house- Paulo Matos.. He is a DJ here in the Algarve and he is pretty cool. He knows people and he´s got friends.. so we told him we want to teach his friends and last night we made a list of his friends, prayed about the names together and after the prayer we all felt one specific name and knew that we needed to work with her this week. Paulo was on a high.. He felt so good after the prayer and said this is what you do all day? We said, yep! and we do it for hours!! He was like jumping.. calling his friends and seriously on cloud 9. I love the revelation we receive and we get to show members how the work goes.. We´re making a difference here little by little and the little efforts i know do not go unnoticed.
One of the youth in our branch, Isabela gave us a reference of her friend, Emma who wants to hear the missionary discussions.. Tingey and i were STOKED.. We prepared for the lesson and went to the appointment and Emma wasn´t there. She couldn´t make it. We were so bummed. She didn´t make it to Church either until the end of sacrament meeting.. but we marked with her again this week and PRAY FOR HER. Pray for Emma. Pray for Isabela too. She wants to fill up the chapel with youth and she is gonna help us do it.
This morning i was studying the talk, forget me not by President Uchtdorf i was comparing a lot of this talk to my mission. I am on this incredible journey.. searching for those to accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.. along the way we find the elect, we get rejection, we´re happy, we´re sad, we´re exhausted, we have random bursts of energy.. along this path i seem to find myself frustrated because we don´t see the success that should be our end result.. baptism.. I ready this quote from the talk and it says, "God is fully aware that you and i are not perfect." "our journey toward perfection is long, but we can find wonder and delight in even the tinest steps in that journey." President Uchtdorf talked about the story of the golden ticket.. There are so many of us waiting for our golden ticket.. That perfect life.. or which we think is perfect and holds the keys to happiness and what we have always dreamed of.. There is nothing wrong with righteous desires but the problem is that when we put our happiness on hold as we wait for future events.
So i have realized that we´ve gotta step it up.. we´ve gotta stop worrying about next week. What are we going to do TODAY that will change tomorrow? What did you learn from yesterday that is going to help you today, and to prepare for tomorrow?? I´ve gotta do this and fam.. you should do it with me. We´ll recognize the small and sweet little forget me nots along the way.
I can see the difference we are making with the members.They trust us and want us to teach their friends. I LOVE IT. I have never had this in my mission before. the members here are dedicated and so willing to work with us. We can feel your prayers. I am eternally grateful for you. I know the lord is preparing the way for the the return of our savior.
Stay strong, fight the good fight this week and take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Friday, September 21, 2012
4TH OF DECEMBER, 2012....
Estou animado para anunciar o retorno de Irma Mackenzie Leigh Boshard, 4 de dezembro de 2012. Festa na TBA o Boshard mesmo!!
PRIDE in the Lisbon Portugal Mission and Momma Bragging. ....
Mon Sept 17, Irma Boshard wrote ...........
" How did you get my mailing address? ....you really are so amazing mom.. i took for granted what i had at home."
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Boshard, Roxanne wrote:
oh sorry.....I may have explained that in a written letter you wont get for a week....
I called the Mission Office.....Elder Ferreria was soooo nice and said you are a great missionary, Irma Boshard is getting many baptisms and your mission is the number one in Europe !!! #1 by numbers of
Baptisms ! Preparing them for the TEMPLE !
" How did you get my mailing address? ....you really are so amazing mom.. i took for granted what i had at home."
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Boshard, Roxanne
oh sorry.....I may have explained that in a written letter you wont get for a week....
I called the Mission Office.....Elder Ferreria was soooo nice and said you are a great missionary, Irma Boshard is getting many baptisms and your mission is the number one in Europe !!! #1 by numbers of
Baptisms ! Preparing them for the TEMPLE !
Monday, September 17, 2012
Irmã Tingey and i have made it down to the Algarve and lemme just tell you it is nothing of what i imagined.. for some reason i was thinking it would be really green and beautiful but it is the complete opposite.. i still love it down here though. I love love Irmã Tingey.. She is wonderful... I was really sad to leave Irmã Baer because she taught me so much and we grew together.. we were like sisters/ BFs but the lord knows Tingey has some important things to teach me. Irmã Tingey is American but currently her fam lives in England.. She is so sweet, hilarious and is helping me understand the importance of goals for the end of my mission and after the mish..
I really need her..
SO OLHÃO! This city is amazing and the branch is even better! Our members down here are so pumped to do the work with us.. they told us during ward counsel yesterday that we shouldn´t worry about knocking doors and doing street contacts because all our members have references for us ready to learn!!!! legit huh?
Our Branch president has been a member for 2 years and a branch president for 6 months.. He is young and on fire.. he is like our best friend.. so is his first counselor Nato.. they give us "bones" or you can say "pound it" every time they see us. At ward counsel everyone has an opinion and talks over each other. It was entertaining. I don´t know what i did to deserve this but i am EXTREMELY blessed to be serving down here. White washing an area is certainly not easy but the missionaries in the past have done a great job and the members are really helping us find our way around they city. Highlights from this week.. One day tingey and i were walking down a row of houses and these men started to call our attention. We stopped to talk to them and these men were baptized just a few months ago but one of them had a bottle of beer hiding behind his chair.. I asked him.. ahem, is that your beer bottle? he said yes. I said do you remember what you learned about the word of wisdom when you were baptized? he said yes.. Irmã Tingey then said "pode tomar" which means can i try it.. and i laughed hysterically and said.. "não, pode tirar" meaning can i take it.. She got her words mixed up and asked to drink his beer.. ha ha anyway he immediately dumped out the beer on the ground and threw the bottle away. He said he wants to change but really needs help. It was a miracle heavenly father guided us to him.
One day we took a dinner break by the dock and looked out at the water and ships that passed by while we ate greasy, buttered up ham and cheese sandwiches.. It was fun.. We were walking down the street of an apartment complex 2 days ago and a older woman called for our attention and we thought she must be a member or know the missionaries.. so we started talking to her and she knew nothing about us... Obviously we contacted her and made me laugh so hard.. She told me that my teeth were beautiful and asked if they were real.. ha ha i said i think so.. i tried to pull on them as if they would come out and she said.. well mine aren´t.. and she pulled out both sets, top adn bottom of her dentchers.. ha ha ah aha i couldn´t control myself.. i was dying..
There are not enough words to describe how amazing this area is and how blessed i am to be with Irmã Tingey doing this white wash.. We have to laugh off everything especially when all our plans and plan b´s fall through. I gotta go..
Beijos Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Irmã Tingey and i have made it down to the Algarve and lemme just tell you it is nothing of what i imagined.. for some reason i was thinking it would be really green and beautiful but it is the complete opposite.. i still love it down here though. I love love Irmã Tingey.. She is wonderful... I was really sad to leave Irmã Baer because she taught me so much and we grew together.. we were like sisters/ BFs but the lord knows Tingey has some important things to teach me. Irmã Tingey is American but currently her fam lives in England.. She is so sweet, hilarious and is helping me understand the importance of goals for the end of my mission and after the mish..
I really need her..
SO OLHÃO! This city is amazing and the branch is even better! Our members down here are so pumped to do the work with us.. they told us during ward counsel yesterday that we shouldn´t worry about knocking doors and doing street contacts because all our members have references for us ready to learn!!!! legit huh?
Our Branch president has been a member for 2 years and a branch president for 6 months.. He is young and on fire.. he is like our best friend.. so is his first counselor Nato.. they give us "bones" or you can say "pound it" every time they see us. At ward counsel everyone has an opinion and talks over each other. It was entertaining. I don´t know what i did to deserve this but i am EXTREMELY blessed to be serving down here. White washing an area is certainly not easy but the missionaries in the past have done a great job and the members are really helping us find our way around they city. Highlights from this week.. One day tingey and i were walking down a row of houses and these men started to call our attention. We stopped to talk to them and these men were baptized just a few months ago but one of them had a bottle of beer hiding behind his chair.. I asked him.. ahem, is that your beer bottle? he said yes. I said do you remember what you learned about the word of wisdom when you were baptized? he said yes.. Irmã Tingey then said "pode tomar" which means can i try it.. and i laughed hysterically and said.. "não, pode tirar" meaning can i take it.. She got her words mixed up and asked to drink his beer.. ha ha anyway he immediately dumped out the beer on the ground and threw the bottle away. He said he wants to change but really needs help. It was a miracle heavenly father guided us to him.
One day we took a dinner break by the dock and looked out at the water and ships that passed by while we ate greasy, buttered up ham and cheese sandwiches.. It was fun.. We were walking down the street of an apartment complex 2 days ago and a older woman called for our attention and we thought she must be a member or know the missionaries.. so we started talking to her and she knew nothing about us... Obviously we contacted her and made me laugh so hard.. She told me that my teeth were beautiful and asked if they were real.. ha ha i said i think so.. i tried to pull on them as if they would come out and she said.. well mine aren´t.. and she pulled out both sets, top adn bottom of her dentchers.. ha ha ah aha i couldn´t control myself.. i was dying..
There are not enough words to describe how amazing this area is and how blessed i am to be with Irmã Tingey doing this white wash.. We have to laugh off everything especially when all our plans and plan b´s fall through. I gotta go..
Beijos Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, September 10, 2012
We got transfer calls today! I am so sad!!! I am leaving Odivelas.. tomorrow i am catching a bus to the Algarve and i will be doing a white wash in Olhão with Irmã Tingey. I am so split. I am sad to leave Irmã Baer and Odivelas and all our recent converts.. but i am excited to go WAY SOUTH and white wash this new area. PRAY FOR ME AND TINGEY. Irmã Baer is stayin in Odivelas and she is serving with my little child, Irmã Walton... whom i trained. I´m excited for them.
This week has BEEN THE BEST WEEK EVER.. 1. as you can see in the email before i received 6 cans of Dr. Pepper.. It was a dream come true! Enjoy the pictures! I enjoyed taking them ha ha
2. Irmã Baer and i were able to overcome a lot of distractions from Satan.. He really worked on us this week and basically we hate him.. but we are learning.. our numbers were low and we didn´t have a baptism.. but hey.. we are still making a difference along the way. 3. We had a mission conference in Lapa on Saturday with Elder and sister Rasband, Elder Kent Richards and his wife, Bishop Causeé, Elder Rocha and his wife, and also Elder Texeira and his wife.. We were able to hear from 4 members of the seventy.. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! One of the greatest days in the mission... All the men and their wives stood in a line and we all got to shake their hands.. SO COOL! He said when he shook our hands we were being interviewed. He could tell there are some that are struggling, some that are happy, some seem sad.. but whatever it may be keep going. don´t give up. He said he didn´t prepare a speech but he wanted to open the meeting to a question and answer deal.. so missionaries started asking questions.. the first question an elder asked, "what can i do for the last 6 weeks of my mission?" Elder Rasband responded and said, make goals and don´t give up.. but i have a response for what you can do for the rest of your life... He said always live your life to be worthy to hold a temple recomend. He said it may sound silly and easy.. but once you are back in the world Satan will tempt you and try you. He said Waste and Wear out your lives.. Read D&C 123:13-14.. It´s awesome. Bishop Causeé said, everyone asks me, what is the secret to the mission in Portugal?? He said now seeing our misson, he can tell that we have been taught the importance of faith and prayer.. WE know our purpose and and we rely on the lord and not our own abilities. We have the Torgans to thank for that.. I have been SO BLESSED and i don´t even deserve it. I have been blessed to serve under two of the most amazing men in the world to lead and guide the work. The Lord is so good to us out here in Portugal.
Elder Rasband told us that we can always do better and we can be more like our savior. We are the most important convert in our mission. I can truly say that i am. I have changed so much for the better! We got to hear President and Sister Fluckiger´s testimony in Portuguese and they have been extremely blessed with the gift of tongues. They are so humble and so sweet. I cant imagine what they have been going through since they arrived here. They just picked up and ran with the mission. They´re incredible.
On Sunday we got to have another conference with the stake of Lisboa, Santárem and Oeiras.. It was huge in Lapa at a conference center and over 1,300 members and investigators were there! Elder Rasband talked about the temple being built here in Portugal and if things run according to plan, the temple should be ready in a few years and it should be the 156th temple in the church.. I think.. I forgot all my notes about the conference so i will tell you about it next week... but just know.. the lord is preparing his children to receive his house.. We´re just not quite ready enough so we need to step it up!!! We´re making a difference little by little.. but i have not doubts that every effort counts.
President Fluckiger has given all of us the challenge to memorize D&C 58:26-28.. I´ve got it i English and now i am working on it in Portuguese.. It makes me want to be better.. So i repeat it out loud to Irmã Baer all the time.. ha ha Do it with me.. Memorize it and show heavenly father what kind of servant you want to be.
I am so grateful i am still here serving, learning, growing, being stretched and changing everyday. The Lord truly knows better than i and he gave me this opportunity to serve when i didn´t want it. Don´t worry, i´ve regretted those feelings everyday and i´ll never take this opportunity for granted. I´m doing everything i can to serve my companion, the ward and our investigators.. Pray for me.. I need all the strength i can get right now..
Oh.. to everyone who has written me and i have not written you back.. I am sorry! I hope to get a letter off to you all soon! I´m sorry.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
This week has BEEN THE BEST WEEK EVER.. 1. as you can see in the email before i received 6 cans of Dr. Pepper.. It was a dream come true! Enjoy the pictures! I enjoyed taking them ha ha
2. Irmã Baer and i were able to overcome a lot of distractions from Satan.. He really worked on us this week and basically we hate him.. but we are learning.. our numbers were low and we didn´t have a baptism.. but hey.. we are still making a difference along the way. 3. We had a mission conference in Lapa on Saturday with Elder and sister Rasband, Elder Kent Richards and his wife, Bishop Causeé, Elder Rocha and his wife, and also Elder Texeira and his wife.. We were able to hear from 4 members of the seventy.. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! One of the greatest days in the mission... All the men and their wives stood in a line and we all got to shake their hands.. SO COOL! He said when he shook our hands we were being interviewed. He could tell there are some that are struggling, some that are happy, some seem sad.. but whatever it may be keep going. don´t give up. He said he didn´t prepare a speech but he wanted to open the meeting to a question and answer deal.. so missionaries started asking questions.. the first question an elder asked, "what can i do for the last 6 weeks of my mission?" Elder Rasband responded and said, make goals and don´t give up.. but i have a response for what you can do for the rest of your life... He said always live your life to be worthy to hold a temple recomend. He said it may sound silly and easy.. but once you are back in the world Satan will tempt you and try you. He said Waste and Wear out your lives.. Read D&C 123:13-14.. It´s awesome. Bishop Causeé said, everyone asks me, what is the secret to the mission in Portugal?? He said now seeing our misson, he can tell that we have been taught the importance of faith and prayer.. WE know our purpose and and we rely on the lord and not our own abilities. We have the Torgans to thank for that.. I have been SO BLESSED and i don´t even deserve it. I have been blessed to serve under two of the most amazing men in the world to lead and guide the work. The Lord is so good to us out here in Portugal.
Elder Rasband told us that we can always do better and we can be more like our savior. We are the most important convert in our mission. I can truly say that i am. I have changed so much for the better! We got to hear President and Sister Fluckiger´s testimony in Portuguese and they have been extremely blessed with the gift of tongues. They are so humble and so sweet. I cant imagine what they have been going through since they arrived here. They just picked up and ran with the mission. They´re incredible.
On Sunday we got to have another conference with the stake of Lisboa, Santárem and Oeiras.. It was huge in Lapa at a conference center and over 1,300 members and investigators were there! Elder Rasband talked about the temple being built here in Portugal and if things run according to plan, the temple should be ready in a few years and it should be the 156th temple in the church.. I think.. I forgot all my notes about the conference so i will tell you about it next week... but just know.. the lord is preparing his children to receive his house.. We´re just not quite ready enough so we need to step it up!!! We´re making a difference little by little.. but i have not doubts that every effort counts.
President Fluckiger has given all of us the challenge to memorize D&C 58:26-28.. I´ve got it i English and now i am working on it in Portuguese.. It makes me want to be better.. So i repeat it out loud to Irmã Baer all the time.. ha ha Do it with me.. Memorize it and show heavenly father what kind of servant you want to be.
I am so grateful i am still here serving, learning, growing, being stretched and changing everyday. The Lord truly knows better than i and he gave me this opportunity to serve when i didn´t want it. Don´t worry, i´ve regretted those feelings everyday and i´ll never take this opportunity for granted. I´m doing everything i can to serve my companion, the ward and our investigators.. Pray for me.. I need all the strength i can get right now..
Oh.. to everyone who has written me and i have not written you back.. I am sorry! I hope to get a letter off to you all soon! I´m sorry.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Little Black Name Tag ...
I am so humbled to wear my sweet little black name tag every single day. I know my name tag has power and people recognize the saviors name first before they even recognize mine. Ya know, I don´t care that we get rejected everyday, i don´t care that drunk men make fun of us and yell at us.. I am actually grateful i don´t understand half the stuff they yell at us, because for every trial the lord blessed us ten fold. Irmã Baer and i have been working a lot with the less actives this transfer.
We have passed by SO many houses and either they have moved, wrong house, or they want nothing to do with the church.. It´s been heart breaking, but there is a sweet woman named Sandy.. She has come and gone from the church for the last few years since she was baptized and for the last year she has completely left the church.. She was dating someone who wouldn´t let her believe in god, he wouldn´t let her read books that talk about god and it seemed to be an abusive relationship but she put up with him.. i have no idea why.. but the lord teaches us all in different ways what we need to learn ya know. Irmã Baer and i made and appointment to go and visit her and Sandy said why don´t you just come over for dinner and bring me some light.. i need your light.. Well.. that is exactly what we did.. we took her more light than she could handle! She was overwhelmed and is going to start the small and simple things again.. like reading the book of mormon everyday, she is coming to a woman's conference in Lisboa with us this weekend and she wants us to come back and teach her all of the missionary discussions again! I am realizing that truly NO ONE IS PERFECT!!! NO ONE.. but guess what.. with all of our weaknesses and sins.. the lord will NEVER GIVE UP ON US. He loves us so much he will do anything so that we will return to his teaching and follow him.. ahhh Sandy.. I am so excited for her.
Another miracle.. we had 3 BAPTISMS YESTERDAY!!!!! as we were walking down the hall way to the baptismal font, i saw 4 (the three being baptized and Mariano who baptized them) incredible men dressed in white and i was picturing what it will be like in the temple for these men doing the work of the lord.. We baptized Lourindo, Isidoro and Avelino! THEY ARE ELECT! they were a gift from Heavenly Father to irmã Bear and i. I can´t stop thanking the lord for trusting me with his children. Sometimes i sit in my study chair and just think about the work i am doing and it blows my mind.. Isidoro has been so excited all week thinking about his baptism.. he said.. Why can´t it just be tomorrow.. I need this new life. I can´t wait.. Avelino reads and reads and reads in the book of mormon and always has questions from the reading for us.. lourindo has been praying so hard all week that he can have the courage and strength to stop drinking and smoking.. HE did it!!! All of these men are future leaders of the church. i am so excited to see what they will do.. they can´t wait to make it to the temple.
Fatima was confirmed yesterday too! She is happier than i have ever seen her.. I attached her baptism picture from last week to the email.. fyi. I am so blessed. sometimes i don´t even feel worthy of these blessing yet they still come. We had 12 investigators in church.. our members are incredible and continually bring their friends and family to church with them. We are seriously getting ready for this temple out here..
Thank you for your support, your prayers and all that you do for me. I love you all. Take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
We have passed by SO many houses and either they have moved, wrong house, or they want nothing to do with the church.. It´s been heart breaking, but there is a sweet woman named Sandy.. She has come and gone from the church for the last few years since she was baptized and for the last year she has completely left the church.. She was dating someone who wouldn´t let her believe in god, he wouldn´t let her read books that talk about god and it seemed to be an abusive relationship but she put up with him.. i have no idea why.. but the lord teaches us all in different ways what we need to learn ya know. Irmã Baer and i made and appointment to go and visit her and Sandy said why don´t you just come over for dinner and bring me some light.. i need your light.. Well.. that is exactly what we did.. we took her more light than she could handle! She was overwhelmed and is going to start the small and simple things again.. like reading the book of mormon everyday, she is coming to a woman's conference in Lisboa with us this weekend and she wants us to come back and teach her all of the missionary discussions again! I am realizing that truly NO ONE IS PERFECT!!! NO ONE.. but guess what.. with all of our weaknesses and sins.. the lord will NEVER GIVE UP ON US. He loves us so much he will do anything so that we will return to his teaching and follow him.. ahhh Sandy.. I am so excited for her.
Another miracle.. we had 3 BAPTISMS YESTERDAY!!!!! as we were walking down the hall way to the baptismal font, i saw 4 (the three being baptized and Mariano who baptized them) incredible men dressed in white and i was picturing what it will be like in the temple for these men doing the work of the lord.. We baptized Lourindo, Isidoro and Avelino! THEY ARE ELECT! they were a gift from Heavenly Father to irmã Bear and i. I can´t stop thanking the lord for trusting me with his children. Sometimes i sit in my study chair and just think about the work i am doing and it blows my mind.. Isidoro has been so excited all week thinking about his baptism.. he said.. Why can´t it just be tomorrow.. I need this new life. I can´t wait.. Avelino reads and reads and reads in the book of mormon and always has questions from the reading for us.. lourindo has been praying so hard all week that he can have the courage and strength to stop drinking and smoking.. HE did it!!! All of these men are future leaders of the church. i am so excited to see what they will do.. they can´t wait to make it to the temple.
Fatima was confirmed yesterday too! She is happier than i have ever seen her.. I attached her baptism picture from last week to the email.. fyi. I am so blessed. sometimes i don´t even feel worthy of these blessing yet they still come. We had 12 investigators in church.. our members are incredible and continually bring their friends and family to church with them. We are seriously getting ready for this temple out here..
Thank you for your support, your prayers and all that you do for me. I love you all. Take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Fatima's Baptism ~ August 26, 2012
My calling is so great as a missionary that i think it is actually better than the prophets calling.. I don´t know if that´s appropriate to joke about, but that´s how i feel. ha ha Every single day, all day, every minute is dedicated to walking the streets, knocking doors, meeting and eating with members, and teaching the gospel.. oh it is RIDICULOUS....
Yesterday we baptized the most incredible woman i have ever taught. Her name is Maria Fatima Jesus Fernandes. We call her Fatima. She randomly showed up in church alone, a few weeks ago because the irmãs a few months ago contacted her on the street.. Every time since we have met with her she has been progressing like CRAZY!! She came to a lesson one time and had filled out the back of the plan of salvation pamphlet with questions thoughts and the study with scriptures in the bible and book of mormon. This was the lesson that i knew she was ELECT. As we talked about death and the spirit world, she asked.. well what happens to all those who don´t have a body in the spirit world? they can´t be baptized.. How can they be saved if they are not baptized?? WELL FATIMA... Lemme just tell you about temples.. So Irmã Baer and i explained the importance of temples and how sacred they are because we get to do special ordinances such as baptisms for the dead.. It all clicked for her. She said well yeah, because Christ taught about that but i don´t know of other religions that practice baptisms for the dead.
For the last 20 years she has been on a quest.. looking for the right church to teach her and guide her to really know Christ. SHE FOUND IT AND I AM THRILLLED!! After Fatima was dunked in the freezing cold water ( we forgot to heat it up.. ooops) she came up and said Hallelujah like 3 times. She cried and looked to Mariano ( the member that baptized her) she said, Are you doing okay? How do you feel? She is so sweet, i know she felt the power of Heavenly Father. Fatima then, went to change her clothes, and as she came out she was still crying and feeling blissful. She gave Mariano a big hug and said thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for what you did for me. She wouldn´t let him go. I cried because Mariano is MY RECENT CONVERT! Irmã Mortensen and i baptized him last year and look at the progress he is making.. He´s already been to the temple a few times, honorably holding the priesthood and baptizing my recent converts!!!
I LOVE THIS WORK. I love being back in Odivelas and i am such a humble servant in the lords hands.. He has blessed us with miracles and blessings beyond my comprehension. Sometimes i can´t comprehend the power of this calling. We are truly changing lives and peoples salvation.
The divisions that I have been doing lately are going well. Like i explained before, President Fluckiger has asked that i go on splits with the other senior companions so that we can learn and work together. and it is kind of like a training thing as well. to help the other senior companions grow and learn about the work I get to to this with 4 different areas.. Basically every week i leave Odivelas for 24 hours and work in the area of the other senior companions. I have been able to learn a lot and teach a lot. It´s amazing how the Lord knows exactly where i need to be, who i need to help and what i have to offer them.
I had a special opportunity to help a companionship this week. Two sweet irmãs have been struggling in their area and the work has been overwhelmingly (is that a word?) hard. What they needed was some advice, and to learn other ways to work. Irmã Baer stayed with the Junior companion in odivelas and i got to stay with the senior companion in her area. During the division we did a lot of contacting and met with less actives and overall.. it was exactly what this Irmã needed. These divisions are so inspired and helpful.
Keep praying for us out here. I love the work. I love this ward and i love my savior.
Stay close to the Lord this week. He walks with you, guiding you and directing you.
Don´t give up on him.
Com muito amor,
Irmã Boshard
Yesterday we baptized the most incredible woman i have ever taught. Her name is Maria Fatima Jesus Fernandes. We call her Fatima. She randomly showed up in church alone, a few weeks ago because the irmãs a few months ago contacted her on the street.. Every time since we have met with her she has been progressing like CRAZY!! She came to a lesson one time and had filled out the back of the plan of salvation pamphlet with questions thoughts and the study with scriptures in the bible and book of mormon. This was the lesson that i knew she was ELECT. As we talked about death and the spirit world, she asked.. well what happens to all those who don´t have a body in the spirit world? they can´t be baptized.. How can they be saved if they are not baptized?? WELL FATIMA... Lemme just tell you about temples.. So Irmã Baer and i explained the importance of temples and how sacred they are because we get to do special ordinances such as baptisms for the dead.. It all clicked for her. She said well yeah, because Christ taught about that but i don´t know of other religions that practice baptisms for the dead.
For the last 20 years she has been on a quest.. looking for the right church to teach her and guide her to really know Christ. SHE FOUND IT AND I AM THRILLLED!! After Fatima was dunked in the freezing cold water ( we forgot to heat it up.. ooops) she came up and said Hallelujah like 3 times. She cried and looked to Mariano ( the member that baptized her) she said, Are you doing okay? How do you feel? She is so sweet, i know she felt the power of Heavenly Father. Fatima then, went to change her clothes, and as she came out she was still crying and feeling blissful. She gave Mariano a big hug and said thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for what you did for me. She wouldn´t let him go. I cried because Mariano is MY RECENT CONVERT! Irmã Mortensen and i baptized him last year and look at the progress he is making.. He´s already been to the temple a few times, honorably holding the priesthood and baptizing my recent converts!!!
I LOVE THIS WORK. I love being back in Odivelas and i am such a humble servant in the lords hands.. He has blessed us with miracles and blessings beyond my comprehension. Sometimes i can´t comprehend the power of this calling. We are truly changing lives and peoples salvation.
The divisions that I have been doing lately are going well. Like i explained before, President Fluckiger has asked that i go on splits with the other senior companions so that we can learn and work together. and it is kind of like a training thing as well. to help the other senior companions grow and learn about the work I get to to this with 4 different areas.. Basically every week i leave Odivelas for 24 hours and work in the area of the other senior companions. I have been able to learn a lot and teach a lot. It´s amazing how the Lord knows exactly where i need to be, who i need to help and what i have to offer them.
I had a special opportunity to help a companionship this week. Two sweet irmãs have been struggling in their area and the work has been overwhelmingly (is that a word?) hard. What they needed was some advice, and to learn other ways to work. Irmã Baer stayed with the Junior companion in odivelas and i got to stay with the senior companion in her area. During the division we did a lot of contacting and met with less actives and overall.. it was exactly what this Irmã needed. These divisions are so inspired and helpful.
Keep praying for us out here. I love the work. I love this ward and i love my savior.
Stay close to the Lord this week. He walks with you, guiding you and directing you.
Don´t give up on him.
Com muito amor,
Irmã Boshard
Friday, August 24, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Heeellloo.... Have i got the story for all of you today.. I am so excited to share with you once again the power of heavenly father and the power of my AMAZNG calling as a missionary.
Well, Monday night Irmã Baer and i were in Olival Basto in the neighborhood of Bloco D. It is straight up Cape Verde and Africa up there.. It´s located on the side of the mountain and we walk there everyday saying hot bods, hot bods, hot bods, because it is so hot outside and we sweat every ounce of liquid that is inside our bodies. ha ha Anyway- so we went up to Bloco D and began to contact a man named Avelino.. He is major elect.. he asked when church starts because he really wants to come and asked a little about sacrament meeting, so i explained what he needed to know but in the mean time i could see irmã Baer in the corner of my eyes and she was really distracted.. she looked nervous and i had no idea what was going on.. so i wrapped up the contact and we walked away.. ..
the first thing that came out of her mouth was, Irmã.. are you ready to cast the devil out of someone?? I laughed in her face and said.. ya ya.. we kept walking and she said no really.. Sofia is possessed.. (side note: sofia is one of our investigators that we have been teaching for a few weeks) So.. We walk down to sofias house and as we are standing in front of her door all i could hear was screaming and wailing.. The sound reminded me of the Scripture in Moses 1 when Moses talks about the gnashing of teeth and Satan wailing because he didn´t get his way.. It was a chilling sound.. really.. so then.. There was a man in front of the door and we asked if we could enter.. he said no.. leave it alone.. I asked Irmã Baer what we should do.. She said Irmã, When you were talking to Avelino i saw Sofia rocking back and forth in a chair, She was yelling at people in a deep voice and suddenly she collapsed and was out cold on the floor.. Her neighbors were surrounding her and slapping her face to wake her up. A young boy looked up at Irmã Baer in the middle of all this and yelled for help and the moment she woke up, she let out a roar and was scratching people in the face.. A few men took her inside and now were are back to Irmã and i standing in front of her door. Irmã and i were debating on what to do..
We talked about us being the only 2 people with the power and authority to do this in Odivelas.. so we insisted to enter the home. A man named jorge finally let us in after Irmã Baer got really bold with him and said said.. LOOK, WE NEED TO ENTER YOUR HOUSE AND SAY A PRAYER WITH SOFIA NOW. So he let us in.. As we walked in the house we could hear the screaming and wailing getting louder. My heart was pounding but i knew the Lord would protect us. We turned the corner in Sofia´s house and saw he kneeling on the floor hunched over the sofa.. We called her name but she didn´t respond. I was timid to touch her because i didn´t want to get whacked in the face.. but i didn´t anyway and as she turned around she looked at us with the most hopeless and helpless eyes i have ever seen. She sat up in the sofa and said, My life is over, My life is over.. I want to die.. Irmã and i grabbed her hands and Irmã Baer said, do you have the faith that Jesus Christ will cure you? She nodded her head and gripped tightly to our hands.. Irmã Baer began to say a prayer but couldn´t get her words out... she said it was like someone was grabbing her throat.. so she began to pray in English and pleaded with the lord for the devil to leave her body.. We could slowly feel her grip getting lighter and there was an overwhelming feeling of the spirit in her home. We knew the Lord was with us and his power was evident because the evil presence was gone. Sofia opened her eyes and said thank you repeatedly 15 times.. She was so happy.. We then decided to sing a hymn with her.. I am a child of god.. the whole time Sofia smiled and looked like a completely different person.
I KNOW THE POWER OF HEAVENLY FATHER IS HERE ON EARTH!!!! I have chills just thinking about the great trust he has in Irmã Baer and i to take care of his children and help them to feel of his love and power.. This was the second time in my mission to do something like this.. We just needed to have the faith and trust in god that he was with us and guiding us to take care of his daughter Sofia. I am a humble servant of the Lord. I am ready for whatever is it that he needs me to do. The gospel has been restored to the earth and i know we are preparing for the second coming of our lord. Count your blessings everyday.. don´t ever doubt the power of the lord. He is with you, guiding you to help those around you.
Take care my sweet little family. I love you all and thanks for supporting me as i serve and represent the lord. BEIJOS XOXOCom amor,Irmã Boshard
p.s. Irmã Baers blog will most likely will have the same stroy.. refer to her blog if you want to :) She is better at telling stories. Me.. not so much. Sorry.
Well, Monday night Irmã Baer and i were in Olival Basto in the neighborhood of Bloco D. It is straight up Cape Verde and Africa up there.. It´s located on the side of the mountain and we walk there everyday saying hot bods, hot bods, hot bods, because it is so hot outside and we sweat every ounce of liquid that is inside our bodies. ha ha Anyway- so we went up to Bloco D and began to contact a man named Avelino.. He is major elect.. he asked when church starts because he really wants to come and asked a little about sacrament meeting, so i explained what he needed to know but in the mean time i could see irmã Baer in the corner of my eyes and she was really distracted.. she looked nervous and i had no idea what was going on.. so i wrapped up the contact and we walked away.. ..
the first thing that came out of her mouth was, Irmã.. are you ready to cast the devil out of someone?? I laughed in her face and said.. ya ya.. we kept walking and she said no really.. Sofia is possessed.. (side note: sofia is one of our investigators that we have been teaching for a few weeks) So.. We walk down to sofias house and as we are standing in front of her door all i could hear was screaming and wailing.. The sound reminded me of the Scripture in Moses 1 when Moses talks about the gnashing of teeth and Satan wailing because he didn´t get his way.. It was a chilling sound.. really.. so then.. There was a man in front of the door and we asked if we could enter.. he said no.. leave it alone.. I asked Irmã Baer what we should do.. She said Irmã, When you were talking to Avelino i saw Sofia rocking back and forth in a chair, She was yelling at people in a deep voice and suddenly she collapsed and was out cold on the floor.. Her neighbors were surrounding her and slapping her face to wake her up. A young boy looked up at Irmã Baer in the middle of all this and yelled for help and the moment she woke up, she let out a roar and was scratching people in the face.. A few men took her inside and now were are back to Irmã and i standing in front of her door. Irmã and i were debating on what to do..
We talked about us being the only 2 people with the power and authority to do this in Odivelas.. so we insisted to enter the home. A man named jorge finally let us in after Irmã Baer got really bold with him and said said.. LOOK, WE NEED TO ENTER YOUR HOUSE AND SAY A PRAYER WITH SOFIA NOW. So he let us in.. As we walked in the house we could hear the screaming and wailing getting louder. My heart was pounding but i knew the Lord would protect us. We turned the corner in Sofia´s house and saw he kneeling on the floor hunched over the sofa.. We called her name but she didn´t respond. I was timid to touch her because i didn´t want to get whacked in the face.. but i didn´t anyway and as she turned around she looked at us with the most hopeless and helpless eyes i have ever seen. She sat up in the sofa and said, My life is over, My life is over.. I want to die.. Irmã and i grabbed her hands and Irmã Baer said, do you have the faith that Jesus Christ will cure you? She nodded her head and gripped tightly to our hands.. Irmã Baer began to say a prayer but couldn´t get her words out... she said it was like someone was grabbing her throat.. so she began to pray in English and pleaded with the lord for the devil to leave her body.. We could slowly feel her grip getting lighter and there was an overwhelming feeling of the spirit in her home. We knew the Lord was with us and his power was evident because the evil presence was gone. Sofia opened her eyes and said thank you repeatedly 15 times.. She was so happy.. We then decided to sing a hymn with her.. I am a child of god.. the whole time Sofia smiled and looked like a completely different person.
I KNOW THE POWER OF HEAVENLY FATHER IS HERE ON EARTH!!!! I have chills just thinking about the great trust he has in Irmã Baer and i to take care of his children and help them to feel of his love and power.. This was the second time in my mission to do something like this.. We just needed to have the faith and trust in god that he was with us and guiding us to take care of his daughter Sofia. I am a humble servant of the Lord. I am ready for whatever is it that he needs me to do. The gospel has been restored to the earth and i know we are preparing for the second coming of our lord. Count your blessings everyday.. don´t ever doubt the power of the lord. He is with you, guiding you to help those around you.
Take care my sweet little family. I love you all and thanks for supporting me as i serve and represent the lord. BEIJOS XOXOCom amor,Irmã Boshard
p.s. Irmã Baers blog will most likely will have the same stroy.. refer to her blog if you want to :) She is better at telling stories. Me.. not so much. Sorry.
Monday, August 13, 2012
I Love to see the temple....In Portugal someday....
Oii família...
I can only start this email by counting all my blessings.. really. Heavenly Father is so good. So so good. I am so grateful for Irmã Baer. She is a huge reason i have returned to Odivelas. She is kind, thoughtful.. and well just so in tune with the spirit. She always leaves little post it notes on my scriputres so when i go to study in the morning she has left me an uplifting quote and scriptures.. She is just what i need this transfer.
Do you remember my sweet little companion Irmã Barlow in Almada?? Well.. A few weeks ago she called me and told me that she baptized 4 people that i had been teaching.. Misael, Valdino, Beatriz and Rosa.. YEAH.. I about died and feel to the ground when i heard the news. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have taught them and helped them find the gospel. I always feel like if i didn´t see the fruits of my labors i didn´t fulfill my purpose, and that is how i felt when i left almade, but look!!!! 4 of my sweet friends were baptized!
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers to help heavenly fathers children enter the waters of baptism. Irmã Barlow is just killing it out here in the field. I am so proud of her.. all my greenies (well they are not greenies anymore, but they are to me) they are all doing so well. I am grateful for every opportunity to serve.. This week i did my first division with Irmã João in Lapa.. It is in the heart of Lisboa. We were able to mark 3 investigators for baptism and it was amazing. We walked in the house and there was 2 young men and 5 young girls sitting on the couch just chatting and when they saw us enter they all grabbed their book of mormon and were ready to listen. It was adorable. As we began to talk about our purpose on earth on of the young men said, i know your church is true. I know the book of mormon is true. When can i be baptized? I said, well that is a good question. Why don´t we kneel and ask Heavenly Father. So all of us got on our knees and after we prayed and pondered 2 of the other kids said we
want to be baptized on the 19th of this month. We all felt good about it and well. they have decided to make this change in their life! It was an experience that stregthened my testimony of the power of the book of mormon. If these kids hadn´t been reading the book of mormon, they would have never had the desire or received a response from god to be baptized.
Heavenly Father is sending us his elect. The Elect recognize his voice and will immediately act because they know it is what they should do. It's like all we have to do is be worthy to enter their home with the spirit and they already know. Ahhhhhhh i wish everyone in the world could feel they way i feel right now. I don´t even know how to express my feelings i am squeeling with joy.
Yesterday at church our stake president talked about temples and he talked a little bit about the temple in portugal. He said it is a priviege to go to the temple. It is literally the house of the lord. We receive revelation there and it is a symbol of sacrifices. if we don´t make sacrifices how can we receive the priviege of of having a temple here so close to our homes. It was a great talk and the leaders are really trying to get the members in gear to help us retain our recent converts so they can finally break ground for the temple.. It is so excited. Elder Nelson will be here in a few weeks to talk to the leaders here in Portugal. It is so exciting..
Keep praying for us out here. We are doing all that we can to fight against satan and his foolish tactics. We are coming out on top..
I hope you all continue to stay strong and remember our savior in all that you do. You are all so wonderful and amazing! Take care :)
Beijos XOXO
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Monday, August 6, 2012
Yesterday was my first day back in the Odivelas ward and i LOVED it. ahhh What a blessing to return to an area that i started my mission in. The members here are incredible. This area truly is elect. Irmã Baer and i had 3 beaaautiful baptisms yesterday. Marcia, Carlos and Zdani. They are all cousins. They´re adorable and their uncle is Tomé. Tomé is a member in our ward and he was actually baptized last year right before i arrived in Odivelas. It´s amazing to see his progression and see that he is still strong and even preaching the gospel. I am so grateful that one my recent converts Mariano is still strong too.. ahh count your blessings :)
This week Irmã Baer and i were contacting in the city and found a man named Isadoro. He said, oh i know Mariano. He goes to your church. He said, Mariano has invited me many times to your church but i haven´t yet made it there. I would love to come though. So we marked an appointment to meet with him on Saturday in the chapel, and Mariano was able to attend and help us teach. It was priceless. There is nothing in this world that can describe how i felt seeing Mariano testify of the first vision. He explained his conversion and how he felt at baptism. Gaaahhh i am full of joy right now.
Oop.. the baptisms yesterday.. so- Marcia, Carlos and Zdani are 3 teenagers who know without a doubt the church is true. They´re adorable. Irmã Baer and Irmã Dos Santos were here last transfer and were able to teach them and i got to help teach and prepare them for baptism's. It was a privilege. Really.
While we were at church, after gospel principles i saw a cute lady, i didn´t recognize her, but i just started making small talk. I said, how long have you known the church? She said, oh, this is my first time here. I was contacted by your friends in the road and decided to finally come to church... alone.. that is a pretty big deal. Her name is Fatima and we marked a lesson with her this week. I am so excited.
I adore my comp Irmã Baer.. I´ve decided that i don´t talk much about my comps in my emails and i am very sorry. I forget.. But Irmã Baer and i very similar in many ways. She and laugh about everything.. She is organized and loves to keep tidy.. I´ve learned a lot more about this topic in the mish than i thought i would. ha ha Irmã Baer and i love to eat.. it´s bad news.. Oh and did i mention that the members here are so incredible that we have a lunch appointment everyday at a members house?? I am trying to loose weight.. This doesn´t help the thighs at all.. ha ha but i love them and i will eat Brazilian, Portuguese and African food any day.
Last night i received a call from President Fluckiger and He thinks that i should be a leader over the Irmãs in my zone and in one other zone to help direct, support and teach about the work.. It´s kind of like i am a zone leader and i will go on divisions with the Irmãs and work with them in their areas. I am humbled that the Lord is trusting me to start this calling. It will help me work that much harder and strengthen my testimony of the work of the lord. I´ve been on my knees a lot praying for help and guidance. I could never do this alone and i am so grateful to have my savior with me guiding me. I get to start the divisions this week and whelp, pray for me and the other irmãs. It´s going to be an adventure :)
I am glad you all got my letters.. I hope you did the scripture study i left you with.. I am sorry that i never write. It´s hard to just sit in the house and write on pdays. I will try to be better and write you more often. I hope you are all well. I send you BIG HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO Take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
This week Irmã Baer and i were contacting in the city and found a man named Isadoro. He said, oh i know Mariano. He goes to your church. He said, Mariano has invited me many times to your church but i haven´t yet made it there. I would love to come though. So we marked an appointment to meet with him on Saturday in the chapel, and Mariano was able to attend and help us teach. It was priceless. There is nothing in this world that can describe how i felt seeing Mariano testify of the first vision. He explained his conversion and how he felt at baptism. Gaaahhh i am full of joy right now.
Oop.. the baptisms yesterday.. so- Marcia, Carlos and Zdani are 3 teenagers who know without a doubt the church is true. They´re adorable. Irmã Baer and Irmã Dos Santos were here last transfer and were able to teach them and i got to help teach and prepare them for baptism's. It was a privilege. Really.
While we were at church, after gospel principles i saw a cute lady, i didn´t recognize her, but i just started making small talk. I said, how long have you known the church? She said, oh, this is my first time here. I was contacted by your friends in the road and decided to finally come to church... alone.. that is a pretty big deal. Her name is Fatima and we marked a lesson with her this week. I am so excited.
I adore my comp Irmã Baer.. I´ve decided that i don´t talk much about my comps in my emails and i am very sorry. I forget.. But Irmã Baer and i very similar in many ways. She and laugh about everything.. She is organized and loves to keep tidy.. I´ve learned a lot more about this topic in the mish than i thought i would. ha ha Irmã Baer and i love to eat.. it´s bad news.. Oh and did i mention that the members here are so incredible that we have a lunch appointment everyday at a members house?? I am trying to loose weight.. This doesn´t help the thighs at all.. ha ha but i love them and i will eat Brazilian, Portuguese and African food any day.
Last night i received a call from President Fluckiger and He thinks that i should be a leader over the Irmãs in my zone and in one other zone to help direct, support and teach about the work.. It´s kind of like i am a zone leader and i will go on divisions with the Irmãs and work with them in their areas. I am humbled that the Lord is trusting me to start this calling. It will help me work that much harder and strengthen my testimony of the work of the lord. I´ve been on my knees a lot praying for help and guidance. I could never do this alone and i am so grateful to have my savior with me guiding me. I get to start the divisions this week and whelp, pray for me and the other irmãs. It´s going to be an adventure :)
I am glad you all got my letters.. I hope you did the scripture study i left you with.. I am sorry that i never write. It´s hard to just sit in the house and write on pdays. I will try to be better and write you more often. I hope you are all well. I send you BIG HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO Take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Vila Real back to Odivelas ~ July 2012
July 31, 2012
So.. The Transfer call came yesterday morning and whelp.. for some odd reason i just can´t finish the work in the areas i have already served in and the Lord keeps sending me back to take care of unfinished business... I have been transferred back to ODIVELAS.. the land where i was born in the mish. It feels good to be back. I am serving with Irmã Baer. She is from Alpine and the sweetest person in the world.. I am so grateful to be with her right now. She is gonna get me back in line, not that i was ever out of line, but we can always be better at being on the line, whatever. anyway.. She is sharp and on the ball. We are so ready to do work here.
It´s hard to know why Heavenly Father makes the decisions he does, but i just have to trust in him and know he knows what is best for me. So right now, at this time in my life, Odivelas is where i need to be. The answers to my prayers will come later i am sure..
It was EXTREMELY difficult to leave Porto and Vila Real.. I Love the North. I loved our branch.. I loved Teresa our sweet and only investigator.. During the week she told irmã Palmer and i that she has been diagnosed with cancer in her uterus.. She has basically given up on life and lost her faith.. She is just expecting to die soon and she is not fighting to overcome this.. We would go to her house almost everyday to make her lunch but she would end up making us lunch. It was so backwards. We were able to get her out of the house and come to a members house with us for a birthday party. Teresa loved it. She kept thanking us for getting her out of the house. She said it is no fun to be home alone, sick and no one to talk to. Her family lives in Cape Verde and she doesn´t have many reliable friends that will sit with her during the day. My heart breaks for her..
We´ve made progress with her in understand the doctrine of Christ and she has gained a testimony of it all.. especially the law of chastity. We had the best lesson with her and 2 other girls about the law of chastity. Teresa accepted everything! But her friend was rough to teach.. The friend said, that it is a great commandment but it´s too hard to keep living in this world.. Irmã Palmer went all Chuck Norris on her and said.. are you kidding me.. you´d rather just follow the world and settle than have self worth and keep the commandments of god?? The friends then said, i think you need to get out and travel more. I said, Oi.. i have already seen enough of the world and i hate it. I have traveled and i am in Portugal and from what i have seen and what i know.. I am that much more grateful for my standards and guidance from Heavenly Father. He won´t give us a commandment that we can´t keep.. The conversation got a little heated and intense because Irmã Palmer and i were so frustrated that this girl would rather be lazy and listen to the world than actually get a testimony herself. We left her with an invite to come to church, but other than that we knew she just wanted to attack us and didn´t want anything to do with our message. One day she will understand and accept but right now, she´s not willing to change or accept Christ. It is so sad.. I can only continue onward and search for those that will accept what we are teaching. Like Teresa.. She just needs to accept the fact that her baptism in the Evangelical church isn´t valid and she´ll be baptized in a heartbeat. I wish i could be there to continue to teach her but i know Irmã Palmer and Irmã Young will help her. I get so attached to these people and i hate leaving them.. I only got 6 short weeks up there.. Since i am on a pattern of returning to every area that i serve in.. maybe i will get to go back one more time!
I want all of you to know that I know without a doubt the commandments protect us from harm. I know we live these standards for a reason. I can only do my best to continue to testify of what i know is true. Don´t doubt the revelation that Heavenly Father gives to us and his prophets. He lives and loves us and knows what is best for us.
I love you all. Take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
So.. The Transfer call came yesterday morning and whelp.. for some odd reason i just can´t finish the work in the areas i have already served in and the Lord keeps sending me back to take care of unfinished business... I have been transferred back to ODIVELAS.. the land where i was born in the mish. It feels good to be back. I am serving with Irmã Baer. She is from Alpine and the sweetest person in the world.. I am so grateful to be with her right now. She is gonna get me back in line, not that i was ever out of line, but we can always be better at being on the line, whatever. anyway.. She is sharp and on the ball. We are so ready to do work here.
It´s hard to know why Heavenly Father makes the decisions he does, but i just have to trust in him and know he knows what is best for me. So right now, at this time in my life, Odivelas is where i need to be. The answers to my prayers will come later i am sure..
It was EXTREMELY difficult to leave Porto and Vila Real.. I Love the North. I loved our branch.. I loved Teresa our sweet and only investigator.. During the week she told irmã Palmer and i that she has been diagnosed with cancer in her uterus.. She has basically given up on life and lost her faith.. She is just expecting to die soon and she is not fighting to overcome this.. We would go to her house almost everyday to make her lunch but she would end up making us lunch. It was so backwards. We were able to get her out of the house and come to a members house with us for a birthday party. Teresa loved it. She kept thanking us for getting her out of the house. She said it is no fun to be home alone, sick and no one to talk to. Her family lives in Cape Verde and she doesn´t have many reliable friends that will sit with her during the day. My heart breaks for her..
We´ve made progress with her in understand the doctrine of Christ and she has gained a testimony of it all.. especially the law of chastity. We had the best lesson with her and 2 other girls about the law of chastity. Teresa accepted everything! But her friend was rough to teach.. The friend said, that it is a great commandment but it´s too hard to keep living in this world.. Irmã Palmer went all Chuck Norris on her and said.. are you kidding me.. you´d rather just follow the world and settle than have self worth and keep the commandments of god?? The friends then said, i think you need to get out and travel more. I said, Oi.. i have already seen enough of the world and i hate it. I have traveled and i am in Portugal and from what i have seen and what i know.. I am that much more grateful for my standards and guidance from Heavenly Father. He won´t give us a commandment that we can´t keep.. The conversation got a little heated and intense because Irmã Palmer and i were so frustrated that this girl would rather be lazy and listen to the world than actually get a testimony herself. We left her with an invite to come to church, but other than that we knew she just wanted to attack us and didn´t want anything to do with our message. One day she will understand and accept but right now, she´s not willing to change or accept Christ. It is so sad.. I can only continue onward and search for those that will accept what we are teaching. Like Teresa.. She just needs to accept the fact that her baptism in the Evangelical church isn´t valid and she´ll be baptized in a heartbeat. I wish i could be there to continue to teach her but i know Irmã Palmer and Irmã Young will help her. I get so attached to these people and i hate leaving them.. I only got 6 short weeks up there.. Since i am on a pattern of returning to every area that i serve in.. maybe i will get to go back one more time!
I want all of you to know that I know without a doubt the commandments protect us from harm. I know we live these standards for a reason. I can only do my best to continue to testify of what i know is true. Don´t doubt the revelation that Heavenly Father gives to us and his prophets. He lives and loves us and knows what is best for us.
I love you all. Take care.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard
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