Monday, August 6, 2012


Yesterday was my first day back in the Odivelas ward and i LOVED it. ahhh What a blessing to return to an area that i started my mission in. The members here are incredible. This area truly is elect. Irmã Baer and i had 3 beaaautiful baptisms yesterday. Marcia, Carlos and Zdani. They are all cousins. They´re adorable and their uncle is Tomé. Tomé is a member in our ward and he was actually baptized last year right before i arrived in Odivelas. It´s amazing to see his progression and see that he is still strong and even preaching the gospel. I am so grateful that one my recent converts Mariano is still strong too.. ahh count your blessings :)

This week Irmã Baer and i were contacting in the city and found a man named Isadoro. He said, oh i know Mariano. He goes to your church. He said, Mariano has invited me many times to your church but i haven´t yet made it there. I would love to come though. So we marked an appointment to meet with him on Saturday in the chapel, and Mariano was able to attend and help us teach. It was priceless. There is nothing in this world that can describe how i felt seeing Mariano testify of the first vision. He explained his conversion and how he felt at baptism. Gaaahhh i am full of joy right now.

Oop.. the baptisms yesterday.. so- Marcia, Carlos and Zdani are 3 teenagers who know without a doubt the church is true. They´re adorable. Irmã Baer and Irmã Dos Santos were here last transfer and were able to teach them and i got to help teach and prepare them for baptism's. It was a privilege. Really.

While we were at church, after gospel principles i saw a cute lady, i didn´t recognize her, but i just started making small talk. I said, how long have you known the church? She said, oh, this is my first time here. I was contacted by your friends in the road and decided to finally come to church... alone.. that is a pretty big deal. Her name is Fatima and we marked a lesson with her this week. I am so excited.

I adore my comp Irmã Baer.. I´ve decided that i don´t talk much about my comps in my emails and i am very sorry. I forget.. But Irmã Baer and i very similar in many ways. She and laugh about everything.. She is organized and loves to keep tidy.. I´ve learned a lot more about this topic in the mish than i thought i would. ha ha Irmã Baer and i love to eat.. it´s bad news.. Oh and did i mention that the members here are so incredible that we have a lunch appointment everyday at a members house?? I am trying to loose weight.. This doesn´t help the thighs at all.. ha ha but i love them and i will eat Brazilian, Portuguese and African food any day.

Last night i received a call from President Fluckiger and He thinks that i should be a leader over the Irmãs in my zone and in one other zone to help direct, support and teach about the work.. It´s kind of like i am a zone leader and i will go on divisions with the Irmãs and work with them in their areas. I am humbled that the Lord is trusting me to start this calling. It will help me work that much harder and strengthen my testimony of the work of the lord. I´ve been on my knees a lot praying for help and guidance. I could never do this alone and i am so grateful to have my savior with me guiding me. I get to start the divisions this week and whelp, pray for me and the other irmãs. It´s going to be an adventure :)

I am glad you all got my letters.. I hope you did the scripture study i left you with.. I am sorry that i never write. It´s hard to just sit in the house and write on pdays. I will try to be better and write you more often. I hope you are all well. I send you BIG HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO Take care.


Com amor,

Irmã Boshard

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