I have to start this email off by saying that i know Heavenly Father makes miracles happen. Irmã Tingey and i have been running low on the money side and we haven´t had as much food in our house. We´ve still had enough to survive, but we are learning to be humble little eaters.. Anyway, we had just a little bit of rice in our house and decided to eat it for lunch the other day because that was literally all we had.. We stuck the rice and water in the pan, put the lid on top and whaalaaa.. when we took of the lid, there was more rice in the pan than we originally poured in there.. I can say that only that miracle would come from a loving heavenly father who knows his servants in a little town wayyyy down south in Portugal. I´ll never stop being humbled by the Lord.
Last week i studied the talk "We Are All Enlisted" by Elder Holland. Ya know i have once or twice read this talk but last week my spiritual eyes were opened and It meant so much more to me.. Elder Holland started his talk by stating that we sometimes over look the experience that Joseph Smith had right before the first vision. Satan was trying to destroy a young boy and block the revelation that was to come. The power of Satan is very real. He is definitely against the love of the lord and atonement of Christ.
One thing we have learned about Satan as well, is that he knows in the end he is going to lose. He knows he will be defeated and yet his determined to take down as many souls as he can with him.
This quote chilled my bones.. "..Satan cannot directly take a life... But apparently his efforts to stop the work will be reasonably well served id he can just bind the tongues of the faithful.. speak up. We are at war." Okay.. so as a missionary, there is always so much more than i can do and when i read this talk. I got the hint.. I need to step it up and open my mouth more frequently wherever i am.. the store, a members house.. on the street.. Satan will never win.. But as for you.. there are so many ways to pass out cards, or the strength for youth, a proclamation to the family.. Do not back down or be ashamed. Are you willing to stand alone?? Are you willing to stand before god at judgment and tell him that you did everything possible during your short, ever so short time here on earth?? We need to open our mouths and speak miracles like Elder Holland has said. "Unbind your tongues and watch your words work wonders in the lives of those who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it" D&C 132:12
The book of mormon is your compass. It is your guide and it will help you to avoid the traps of the enemy.. Read it. Memorize scriptures, learn of its worth.. I´m not perfect and i don´t know everything that is in it, but i know it is true. I know god speaks to us through scripture and his power is strong than the enemies.
The mission is the hardest thing i have ever done. I am strengthened and challenged everyday but i love it! It´s easier to change when you are not doing your will, but the lords will. I am so grateful Heavenly Father trusts me to teach his children. He has entrusted me to wear this name tag and represent him everyday, every hour and every second i am in public.. Yeah, talk about responsibility. Irmã Tingey and i have been counting down the days until general conference and we are freaking out!! We lack 5 days.. 5 days until we hear the words of a prophet and the apostles.. eeekk.. I hope you are all spiritually preparing to get the answers you need. I love you.
Com amor,
Irmã Boshard