Heeelloo faaaamily!
sooo let me start by telling you that transfers are next week and i have never been dreading transfers like i am right now. I am straight up attached to this island.. Because.. Irmã Thayer and i have found the most elect family!!! There is 9 of them that live in a cute little concrete house and we have been teaching 7 out of the 9 and the 7 of them want to be baptized!!! We found them a few weeks ago, but they didn´t seem to truly care about our message so we stopped passing by. Until we were in their area and passed by again and they said hey, we waited for you last week to come back and you never did.. We felt so bad and since then they have been reading in the book of mormon and praying.. One of the young men in the family, his name is Diamontino. He is 17 years old and last week he didn´t believe in God when we talked to him, but he still just hovered over our lessons and was so interested. We talked a little about Heavenly Father with him and invited him to read the introduction of the book of mormon and pray to see if there really is a God. He said he would. So the next day we passed by to follow up the reading and their prayers and we talked to Diamontino about his prayer and he said he hadn´t prayed yet.. so of course we all got down on our knees and prayed with him.. Irmã thayer said a sweet and simple prayer and afterwards we asked Diamontino how he felt, and he had the biggest grin on his face and said, my heart.. oh my gosh.. this feeling in my heart. I feel so warm.. Her had never felt something so powerful in his life.. HE FOUND GOD RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES. I have never had a spiritual experience like that in my life or even here on the mission. I can´t explain to you in words how incredible that moment was.. We told him that he needs to continue to pray and ask God if our message is true and he said he would. He apologized and apologized because he didn´t read or pray but he said i promise i will read and pray tonight.. So once again we returned to their house last night and he was so excited to see us.. We asked how the reading and prayers were going and he said i know your message is true. I know your church is true. He is so excited to come to church with us on sunday and he said he will be baptized! The other members of this family are so attentive when we speak and they are so willing to read the book of mormon and this whole family wants to come to church and be baptized on the same day. whenever we leave their house they ask, what are you going to leave this time for us to read? Hiii elect family right?? So this is the family, i will break it down for you.. We´ve got Marina who is the mom of Mikela and Monica, then José (an uncle) and 3 brothers Diamontino, Arlindo and Cristiano.
If i leave Maderia next week i will not see their baptism and i am freaking out. I cannot believe the lord has blessed me with this amazing family to help them progress and find the right path in life.. Oh i know the Lord has a plan and I will okay with whatever it is, but i am not ready to leave this family yet. I haven´t even known them that long but i feel like i´ve know them my whole life. The Lord can see the big picture and obviously i trust in whatever will happen. Mikel and Monica are twins and they are 14 years old.. They are gems.. Cristiano is 11 and so badly wants to come to church.. He can receive the priesthood next year!!! Arlindo is like 27 and we are helping him to stop smoking and José likes wine but would love to get off it.. José actually came to church with us yesterday and during our lesson about Adam and Eve he got right up and left in a hurry.. Like left church.. We were so worried about him, but when we passed by last night he said that he was so emotionally overwhelmed and so happy that he couldn´t sit in the classroom and cry in front of us. He is so sweet!!!
Thank you for the letters and package! I got it on Tuesday and was so excited! Thanks for the treats and scarf, the necklaces. They are adorable. Also, I got the package Grandma Boshard sent me.. Tell her thank you so much. I am seriously so far behind on thank you letters.. so if any of you have been sending me things i haven´t responded.. I promise it is coming.. soooon. Loved the church news and programs you sent me. Thanks mom.. p.s. you can take off my address here in Madeira on the church Program and just keep the rua jorge barradas on there.. if i leave and people send letters here..well that would just be lame.. thanks :)
I am so grateful for the difficulties i have gone through this transfer. I know that Heavenly Father gave them to me because he knew that i would grow and gain a stronger testimony. This truly is his work and i know that he lives!
I hope i tell you all how much i love you and how grateful i am for you on a regular basis.. I think the world of you and thanks for letting me leave home to take the time to serve our Lord. It is such a blessing for all of us. Have a great week.. Drew and Tanner.. Happy Birthday! I love you.
Com Amor,
Irmã Boshard
*Posted By The Boshard Family
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